Wassup? Lk 24

After a wonderful two weeks of no lessons, daughters home from uni and my own body-weight in chocolate, it’s back to normality today. But let’s not be like the disciples who returned to fishing after the resurrection, or the un-named pair on the road to Emmaus who thought the wonderful dream was all over. Sure THAT is ended, but THIS has only just started, and Easter lasts all year. (Yay!)

Here are links to various Emmaus Road resources, plus your confession and absolution, blessing and dismissal at the bottom, and I’ve a special treat for you this week – a sermon!

Do not run away and hide, please. My sermons are short and engaging, I promise. Find out what part of the Luke passage should be translated “Wassup?” and who had been living under a rock. But promise you won’t read it if you come to Wednesday morning communions at CtK, otherwise you won’t laugh at my jokes.

Click here to read my Sermon Luke 24 13-35

The Road to Emmaus – a finger labyrinth

Together Apart – 10-page printable intergen pack with studies, wondering, colouring, outdoor ideas etc

Hope in the Muddle – reflection and prayer activity

Liturgy Resources for Third Sunday in Easter

Luke 24:13-35

Confession and Absolution

Father God,
when we walk away from your Good News
forgive us.
When we fail to recognise you
forgive us.
When we are slow of heart to believe
forgive us.

May the God who raised Jesus from the dead
raise us to new life in him,
open our eyes and renew our hearts
that we may serve each other as
God’s redeemed people.

Blessing and Dismissal

May the risen Christ walk among us and open our eyes to his glorious life.
May the Sun of Righteousness rise upon us with healing in his wings.
May our hearts burn within us as we behold his glory.

And the blessing of God, Father, Son and Spirit,
be upon us and those we love in this joyful Easter season
and throughout the year

Go in the peace and joy of the risen Christ
to spread the Good News to the world.
For he is risen.

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