Vines at St Denys

I’ve just come back from a labyrinths day at the beautiful St Deny’s Church in Evington, Leicestershire. A quintessentially English church yard filled with forget-me-nots, a modern parish centre filled with lovely people, and a sunny day filled with prayer, peace and biscuits. Bliss! But building labyrinths is quite a physical activity (lots of crawling … More Vines at St Denys


An Easter Son-Rise Sermon Hear the gospel of our Lord according to John. Glory to you O Lord.     John 20:1-18 Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. So she came running to Simon Peter … More Son-Rise!


OK, I know Palm Sunday isn’t about that sort of palm, but since we all have that sort of palm, why not use them? Click here [A Handy Guide to Easter] for my handy-dandy guide to telling the Easter story with the help of your hands. Everyone can join in with the actions – not just … More Palms!