About Reflectionary

What They Say …

  • “The Reflectionary is a very creative blog with art, object lessons, craft projects, and insightful commentary on the Revised Common Lectionary passages. Definitely worth a look and a follow.” More than Hearing
  • “This is really good ~ thank you! If this Mark example is anything to go by, this is exactly the sort of stuff I’m looking for! As my first real foray into such activities, although it was a little anarchic, the children responded very well to the activity and the prayers afterwards. I am indebted to you.” – Chris Maclean, curate

  • “Wonderful! What a brilliant skit. Best line ever…. God: No, Michael’s the whale – got terrible indigestion. I think he ate something that disagreed with me!” – Nancy Slater Bennett 

The Reflectionary has articles and resources related to the Bible readings in the Revised Common Lectionary. They are posted on Mondays, ahead of when they are needed, giving you time to prepare for groups or services. In addition to the main Monday posts, extra items are added many Fridays – meditations, children’s puzzle pages, scripts, activities etc.

If you like what you see, please add a comment to let me know – I’ll be delighted!

How to find what you want

Menus – at the top – see all the scripts / all-age worship resources / meditations etc.

Search box – on the right – enter a topic and find all resources tagged with that word.

Categories – on the right – choose a Bible book & chapter, or a week of the church calendar to find all matching resources.

13 thoughts on “About Reflectionary

      1. Not sure if my first comment went through.

        Is the picture on your site of Moses smiting the rock one that was created by you? If so, may one use it in a Christian book? (I’m doing research for a Bible teacher I know who is writing a teaching book.)

        It’s the picture in the post on this page:


        Either way, thank you!


      2. Hi, yes your first comment came through just fine; it was pending approval and I was away for the weekend seeing my dotties 🙂
        Sadly, I’m a writer, not an artist, so very few of the images on this site are generated by me. Most are public domain or otherwise copyright free and I add the words like ‘Oops’ in the image you cited.
        If you do a search on the image you should be able to locate the original without the words, which I assume is what you want.
        If you want images to illustrate a book, may I recommend https://www.freebibleimages.org/ ? (Though they may have restrictions on commercial use. If you are intending to sell the book you may have to pay for images.)
        I hope that helps


    1. Thank you, I’m so pleased you’re finding the resources useful and yes, I know what you mean about the Epiphany gift boxes. I found that really quite a moving experience.


  1. We used the “Shove” Tuesday script at our Shrove Tuesday pancake supper. One of the youth who is in our Governor’s School theater program agreed to read it with me (on very short notice).
    We got some laughs, and it was well received by the audience. Thanks


  2. Hi I’m doing a service on line on Sunday 2nd July and I’ve just seen your wonderful Marmite talk which I’m going to borrow. thank you so much for sharing your gifts

    Liked by 1 person

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